- Are estimates free?
Each location is individually owned and operated. Contact your local Wise Cracks ® for more information. Assessments or “inspections” are generally extra. If you’ve experienced a flood contact your insurance company first.
- What if the crack is very small?
It is rare a crack is too small to be injection with our Wise Seal*. Cracks barely visible to the eye still require repair as often times a small crack can still allow a good amount of water inside.
- Why does concrete crack?
Cracks in concrete are primarily due to shrinkage during cure and other construction practices when a house is built. Settling, structural overload, and other movements are other examples. Almost all basements will eventually develop a crack in the foundation wall.
- Can a crack grow in size?
Yes. Freezing, thawing, pressures from expansive soils and changes in surrounding moisture content are a few reasons that can cause cracks to grow.
- Do you recommend injecting the leaking joint between the foundation wall and concrete floor slab?
No; the floor cove typically will not leak unless the drain tile is blocked and your sump pump is not working. Occasionally short distances along the cove might be injected with urethane to try and divert water back into the drain field, but if the drain tile is blocked or non-existent, this will not work.
- Will low-pressure injection work on my crack blocked foundation wall?
No; blocks are typically hollow and porous. We would recommend alternate methods of repair, or calling a qualified stone mason.
- How can I tell if the crack needs a structural repair?
Signs of structural cracks include horizontal cracks, cracks of 1/2″ or greater, those significantly wider at the top than bottom, and offset cracks.
- How long will a crack repair last?
Crack injections, when property and professionally installed will typically last the life of the structure.
- When do cracks in concrete occur?
Most cracks develop within the first two years after the structure is poured.
- I have two vertical cracks in my basement wall and was told by a repair company that I need a perimeter drain tile system. Do I have to spend thousands of dollars to keep my basement dry?
If a company says this right away, without proper assessment, run don’t walk! While there are times when a perimeter drain system is required, typically if there are obvious cracks that are leaking, that will be the first thing to repair if you have a poured concrete wall and not a concrete block wall.